Channel: Life As We GOmez
Category: People & Blogs
Tags: surpriselife as we gomez april fools daypranking the kidsthe day has finally comeprankapril fools day jokeannouncing a big surprisegomezfamily vlogsearly retirementdad quits jobfamily celebrationlife as we gomezfamily friendlyyoutube familymajor announcementgomez lifeapril fools day prankcelebrationwelcome home dadexciting announcementbig surpriseapril fools daygomez family
Description: The whole family has been looking forward to this big day, and it has finally come!! Or is it all just one big prank?? DO US A SOLID AND SMASH THAT SUBSCRIBE BUTTON AND CLICK THE NOTIFICATION BELL! WE THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING US AND HOPE YOU ENJOY WATCHING! FIND AND FOLLOW US ON INSTAGRAM! @life_as_we_gomez LOOK US UP ON FACEBOOK!! #lifeaswegomez #aprilfoolsday